Tuesday, March 4, 2008

BBC learns Arabic...

The BBC has just announced plans to produce a new television station geared specifically for the Arab world; form a piece done by the NY Times. The BBC thinks that it can deliver a better product then both government and independently fund news organizations that already exist in the Middle East.

Their belief is that the current regional stations that exist now are slanted in one or the other direction. The examples in the article were Al Hurra, France 24 Arabic which are both government funded by the United States and France, Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya are both independent stations that originated form the Middle East.

The BBC believes it has a leg up on both sides because they haven an "international prospective" that is suppose to be less bias. Who knows whether that statement has any truth to it, but the BBC is the producer of the Discovery Channel which has received high marks for its programing.

How will the residents of Middle Eastern countries respond is the million dollar question. The UK has been involved with fighting the war on terrorism in both Iraq and Afghanistan making them not the most popular in that part of the world. 


Kellyn said...

This will be interesting to see how it turns out. I think that it could raise some eyebrows because of Iraq's ties with Britian. I think that it will good for them. It could be rejected by the people or they could love it. You never know.

MiSS JACKS0N said...

BBC has always been successful in everything they take part in. I believe that branching out will only do them more justice. Good post. I look forward to hearing more about it!

JaxBierley said...

It may be a good idea or a bad idea for the BBC to try and put their say into all the problems going on over there but then again it may allow for more middle of the road networking instead of people leaning one way or another in their reporting.

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